Service Delivery

Testing Manual

Action(s) needed:

Review existing community HCV testing manuals, where available.

Required task(s):

Review the HCV community testing manuals of other organisations to identify areas that you may need to replicate or include.


When starting an HCV community testing service, there is no need to create your own testing manuals as they already exist. Most community testing services operate and conduct testing services in similar ways. We suggest reviewing as many operational testing manuals as possible to create your own. ECDC, WHO and CEHRN all have material to help you. We have a selection of sample manuals for you to look at.

h  HCV Testing Web (pdf)

h  Testing Paper Web (pdf)

h  Correlation Hepatitis C Brochure (pdf)

h  Correlation Hepatitis C Testing Path (pdf)

Action(s) needed:

Replicate all required information from other sources to create your own testing manual.

Required task(s):

All required information can be replicated from other sources in your HCV Community Testing Operational Manual.


After reviewing operational testing manuals, you can replicate the information that is required according to ECDC and WHO guidelines.

h  ECDC HIV Hep Testing Guidance (pdf)

Action(s) needed:

Include content identified for testing services for people who use drugs.

Required task(s):

Information collected from organisations of people who use drugs can be included in your HCV Community Testing Operational Manual.


What has not been included in standard operational testing manuals is how to identify, train and supervise peer workers who do testing. This information has been provided by organisations of people who use drugs who have helped to develop this guidance. Here we offer you additional information that you may want to include based upon the experience of such organisations (link).

Action(s) needed:

Equipment for safe testing.

Required task(s):
    • Sharps / needle containers;
    • Disposable gloves;
    • Plasters;
    • Universal wipes (special) to clean surfaces;
    • Pens/alcohol markers to write on screening tools (to ensure different tests do not get mixed up);

Sterile injecting equipment to give to PWID, if needed.

When providing testing services universal precautions must be followed and testing guidelines according to WHO, ECDC and your local ministry of health. (link)

Template Documents

Linkage to care.

The linkage to care agreement form will indicate:

    1. The name, address and contact details of the referral facility;
    2. The name and phone number of the contact person from your organisation and that of the referral facility;
    3. The agreed terms of collaboration; and,

The time period for which the linkage to care agreement is valid / operational.

h  Memorandum of Understanding (pdf)

Peer-worker screening tool.

Standardised screening to determine eligibility to become a peer-test worker. The screening tool will assess cognitive skills, drug use stability, ability to keep to a schedule, communication skills, etc.

h  Peer Worker Basic Knowledge (pdf)

Peer-worker contract.

A peer-worker contract indicates payment, days, hours, required tasks, required conduct and terms of dismissal.

h  Peer Worker Contract (pdf)

Pre/post-test consultation protocol.

A standardised consultation form required by ECDC and the relevant local authority / Ministry of Health.

h  WHO Pre and Post Test (pdf)

h  Rapid HIV Testing Overview (pdf)

Referral form for confirmatory test and treatment.

A referral form is a standard form that verifies that the person is being referred by your organisation to another facility for a confirmatory test and then treatment.

Sample ()


The Correlation Hepatitis C and Drug Use Initiative received an unrestricted grant by Gilead Ltd.

Hepatitis C Initiative

Correlation Office

tel. 0031 20 5317600


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1013 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands